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A.I. and the Automotive Industry

Writer's picture: Education UnboundEducation Unbound

Driverless Cars:

Driverless cars are becoming a reality due to newfound necessity. Several other countries including China, are a lot farther along than the United States in the driverless car sector. Just recently, Baidu, a company out of China’s southeastern Fujian province, perfected and began mass production on their newest project, the Apolong Bus. The Apolong Bus is a fully autonomous vehicle, without a steering wheel or driver's seat, that can safely seat up to 14 people. The buses are fully electric, and will soon be driven out to Shenzhen, Beijing, Wuhan, and other wealthy Chinese cities. Other companies in European countries have also been working driverless bussing systems as well. These include France's Easymile, Australia's Intellibus and South Korea's KT, but the only company that rivals Baidu is the French start-up company, Navya. Navya buses have been purchased and tested at several locations. These locations include the Paris Charles de Gaulle airport, London's Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, and on the busy streets of Las Vegas. Although the United States is severely behind our competitors, driverless car technology is becoming more popular as the demand rises. People with intellectual and physical disabilities can now use driverless cars to get around. However, just like any new automated technology, completely autonomous(driverless) cars will take some time before people will be 100% willing to integrate them into our everyday society due to imposed risks. Eventually, people will be more than willing to integrate the new technology due to its helpfulness. Several companies, such as Google and Uber, have been working on their driverless car technology. Google’s driverless car branch is currently called WAYMO. was invented back in 2009, but have only recently accomplished their longtime goal of beginning to perfect their driverless car technology. As of 2017, WAYMO and Google were among the first to actually put driverless car technology on our roads. However, despite all of the new advancements, widely available fully autonomous cars are still a very long way off.

Artificial intelligence is currently on the rise in our world as we look for better ways to do everyday things. It can be witnessed in more than a few pieces of technology that we see and use in our daily lives including smart appliances, smart houses, smart T.V.s and so many more. Along with the appliance sector, artificial intelligence is present in driverless cars, driver assist technology, and high-tech drones.

Drive Assist Technology

Drive assist technology can mainly be seen in the infamous Tesla. esla started researching and creating models of electric cars back in 2003. Since then, they have made many technological advancements, including their autopilot and self-parking systems. Most up to date Teslas have the option to be semi-autonomous. They achieve this feat through their autopilot systems in which the car pilots itself, but a human is needed to have 2 hands on the wheel at all times. This system is extremely advanced, as the cars can merge with, turn into oncoming traffic, stop and accelerate in time with surrounding traffic, and even follow speed limits. Their cars are also equipped with self-parking systems where as long as the car’s cameras/sensors “see” two white lines, the car can park itself. Several other car companies including the Tesla, Genesis, Honda, Buick, Audi, Toyota, Chevrolet, BMW and more are also creeping towards the semi-autonomous title with AEB or Auto Emergency Braking systems. These systems can recognize when something potentially dangerous is in front of the car, and automatically brakes. They can recognize people, bicycles, and other cars to help prevent potential crashes. Other companies such as Subaru, have technology that helps keep cars in their own lanes. In other words, this technology helps to prevent cars from swerving into other lanes by accident in the event of drivers being distracted.


Drone technology has been around, in the military, since 2000. Since then, drones have definitely been updated and will continue to be better as the years go on. Some drones, such as the ones used by law enforcement to watch traffic, have A.I. installed in them. With the added artificial intelligence, the drones are used to pick out oddities in traffic cush as long backups and pinpoint locations where roadside assistance might be needed. In this way, drones are being taught to learn. These drones are being taught what to look for and what to pinpoint to help law enforcement see where they might be needed. Drones are also being updated more frequently in the military.

Fully autonomous drones have been taking to the skies in order to find, pinpoint, and take out the military's targets. Drones have been used in the military since the early 1900’s, and they have been updated millions of times over the years. Even aside from law enforcement and military action, drones and artificial intelligence are assisting in the agricultural system as well. Drones are being used to monitor the growth and well being of crops and soil, as well as to monitor the logistics of farmland. The farms of today's world span over millions of acres, making it difficult for farmers to constantly monitor 100% of their crops. Drones with artificial intelligence create a way for farmers to remotely monitor their crops, and to make it easy to pinpoint diseased sections from afar. Similar to law enforcement drones, agricultural drones have a similar technology, meaning that they are taught what “looks wrong” and they send out alerts. This helps to make work much more efficient for those in the agricultural sector, which also helps to lessen the necessary workload needed to have a large scale commercial farm because the drones do most of the busywork that extra hands would be needed for as well.

Artificial Intelligence is an extremely helpful tool that will ensure the growth of our country as we continue to approach new heights in the world of technology. Fully automated vehicles and drones, along with partially automated car assist programs, will help to ensure the continual improvement of our world.


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